
Finance Committee Meeting

01/13/2021 @ 6:30 pm

The Finance Committee meeting will be held on

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

at 6:30 pm

in the County Board Meeting Room, second floor of the

Christian County Courthouse, Taylorville, Illinois.

In accordance with EXECUTIVE ORDER 2020-07 issued by Governor Pritzker, this meeting will be conducted via remote participation and

to comply with social distancing County Board members and applicable department heads will have preference prior to public seating. There are 19 seats in the county board room and 24 in courtroom C. These meetings will continue to be done by free conference as well.


Dial-in number (US): (701) 802-5367
Access code: 7943957#
                 Join the online meeting:

             [For additional assistance connecting to the meeting text, ‘Call Me’ to the

         Dial-In number above and you will be called into the conference] All of our meetings will have the same dial in and access code.


The purpose of this meeting is for discussions and/or motions to approve/adopt and /or deny and/or table and/or amend and/or refer to an appropriate Committee in whole or in part the following:

  1. Approve claims as presented for January.
  2. Review website contract.
  3. Discuss final financial status from Illinois County Insurance Trust 2001 and 2009 [from former liability carrier]
  4. Remove Assistant to Board/HR starting salary from current policy.
  5. Assign salary to the upcoming Assistant to Board/HR position.
  6. Referrals from any other committee, any other matters that are properly brought before the Committee and/or comments from the public. 

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