The Finance Committee meeting will be held on
Thursday, August 15, 2019
at 6:30 pm
in the County Board Meeting Room, second floor of the
Christian County Courthouse, Taylorville, Illinois.
The purpose of this meeting is for discussions and/or motions to approve/adopt and /or deny and/or table and/or amend and/or refer to an appropriate Committee in whole or in part the following:
- Approve August claims as presented.
- Approve AFSCME contract for Highway and Courthouse.
- Budget hearings: ESDA, ROE, Senior Citizens, U of I Extension
- Appoint new IMRF Authorized Agent.
- Approve IMRF 2020 rates as phase-in rate or the actuarial contribution rate.
- Renew Public Defender position with a status as a full time position.
- Adopt resolution to participate in CEDS, an economic development strategy program.
- Referrals from any other committee, any other matters that are properly brought before the Committee and/or questions from the public.