
County Board Meeting

10/15/2019 @ 6:30 pm





Tuesday, October 15, 2019– 6:30 p.m.


  1. Call to order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Invocation
  4. Roll Call
  5. Recognitions: Bruce Engeling and Mike Crews
  6. Approve minutes from the regular County Board meeting of the September 17, 2019 as printed with any corrections or amendments to them.
  7. Present in writing petitions, resolutions/or ordinances, proclamations
  8. Public comments.
  9. Reading of Communications:
  10. Committee Reports:


Highway/Building/Grounds/Environmental/ Zoning/ Welfare—10/7/2019

  1. Courthouse updates
  2. Animal Control updates
  3. Review Zoning Fee Schedule.
  4. Discuss maintenance department: hire of part time staff and purchase of previously owned van.
  5. Highway updates: Review quote on Motorola equipment for equipment and base.
  6. Adopt Midwest Truckers Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy for Highway due to change in the vendor.
  7. Any other matters that properly come before the committee and/or comments or questions from the public.



  1. Discuss and refer to finance committee the position of part time maintenance project coordinator.
  2. Personnel issues and/or personnel/other county policies/procedures, personnel or labor updates or any other matters or referrals that properly come before the committee and/or questions from the public and/or executive session for any personnel issue.
  3. Audit/Finance/Purchasing/Budget—10/02/2019
  1. Discuss and review proposed FY 2020 budget.
    1. Non-bargaining salaries
    2. Changes or adjustments
    3. Audit/Finance/Purchasing/Budget—10/10/2019
  1. Approve October claims as presented.
  2. Recommend Bond documents with Christian County Integrated Community Services
    1.    Loan Agreement.
    2. Mortgage, Assignment of Rents and Profits and Security Agreement.
    3.  Assignment of Construction, Architectural and Engineering Documents.
    4. Resolution of the County Board authorizing the issuance of Bonds.
    5.  Resolution of the Board of Directors of CCICS.
  • Referral for maintenance vehicle replacement, part time maintenance project coordinator and temporary courthouse building maintainer.
  • Recommend to put FY 2020 budget on file to for adoption in November.
  • Approve second claims period for November to be signed by Board Chairwoman.
  • Referrals from any other committee, any other matters that are properly brought before the Committee and/or questions from the public.
  • Mileage and Per Diem Reports
  • Appointments:
  • Adjourn meeting until Tuesday, November 19, 2019 for the regular meeting.

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