The Christian County Zoning Board of Appeals
Will be conducting a Public Hearing that will be held on
Tuesday, June 22nd, 2021 at 6:00pm
In the County Board Meeting Room, Second floor of the Christian County Courthouse, Taylorville Illinois
In accordance with Public Act 101-0640, amending Section 7(e) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act, this public hearing will cover two Variances one to build a garage with no setback from the alley the other to build a grain bin 15 feet from the center line of the road. On the above date and time, and will be conducted via both in person (up to 19 people) and thru remote application
This public Hearing will be conducted online and telephonically using the Free Conference Call Application which can be accessed through the following link: https// Those who wish to join via the phone may attend by dialing (701) 802-5367 access code 7943957#
The Christian County Zoning Board of appeals will hold a Hearing to approve or disapprove a request for two Variance’s.
1.) The first Variance application was brought forth by Mr. David Smith 801 SE 4th ST Morrisonville 62546 Ricks Township Parcel number 13-22-08-144-001-00 to build a garage with no side setback from the alley of the on lots 19-20 on of the property.
2.) The Second application was brought forth by Mr. Mark Bauman Christian County Farm Service 117 Clay St. Rosamond, IL 62083 Rosamond Township Parcel number 14-24-23-402-002-00 to build a grain bin 15 feet from the center line of Grand St Rosamond IL on the north end of the parcel for future construction.
3.) Lastly to add the Subdivision Regulations For Maps, Plats & Subdivision Codes as Appendix E to the Christian County Zoning Ordinance Code.
All rezoning, variance requests, and Text amendments to the Christian County Zoning Code are Available for inspection upon request in the Christian County Zoning Office Located at
300 S. Baughman RD Taylorville Il, 62568 Phone Number 217-824-5433
Vincent O. Harris
Director Animal Control/Zoning Christian County IL