
Finance Committee Meeting

03/14/2019 @ 6:30 pm

The Finance Committee meeting will be held on

Thursday, March 14, 2019

at 6:30 pm

in the County Board Meeting Room, second floor of the

Christian County Courthouse, Taylorville, Illinois.


The purpose of this meeting is for discussions and/or motions to approve/adopt and /or deny and/or table and/or amend and/or refer to an appropriate Committee in whole or in part the following:


  1. Approve March claims as presented.
  2. Review in executive session FOP contract for 12/1/2018 through 11/30/2021.
  3. Update on conversion cost of judicial email system.
  4. Discuss interest changes as reported by IMRF [Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund].
  5. Referrals from any other committee, any other matters that are properly brought before the Committee and/or questions from the public.

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