

02/20/2024 @ 6:30 pm




Christian County Board Room

 Second Floor, Christian County Courthouse

Taylorville, Illinois

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

 6:30 p.m.



  1. Call to order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Invocation
  4. Roll Call
  5. Approve minutes from the regular County Board meeting of January 16, 2024 as printed with any corrections or amendments to them.
  6. Public Comments
  7. HOPETrust Representatives
  8. Annual Report – Christian County Health Department
  9. Appointments
  10. Present in writing petitions, resolutions/or ordinances, proclamations to be addressed in committees:
  11. Reading of Communications:
  12. Agenda Items:


Highway/Building/Grounds/Environmental/ Zoning/ Welfare—02/12/2024

  1. Anderson Cemetery Annual Report
  2. Courthouse Lawn Request
  3. ARPA Funding Consideration Assumption Community Child Care
  4. Zoning Business
    1. Director’s Report
  5. Solid Waste Business
    1. Director’s Report
    2. Office Equipment former ROE Office
  6. Highway Business
  7. Animal Control
    1. Director’s Report
    2. Lighting Issue
  8. Courthouse and Building Business
    1. Window and HVAC Project Update
    2. Jail Update
    3. Historic Courthouse Maintenance/ Modification/Alteration Standards Policy
    4. Other Courthouse Business
    5. Former Health Department Building
    6. Remodel Costs Treasurer’s Office
  9. Safety Grant
  10. Any other matters that properly come before this committee for future consideration.



  1. Staffing Treasurer Department
  2. Any other matters or referrals that properly come before the committee for future consideration.



  1. Central Illinois Public Transit Program Intergovernmental Agreement and Ordinance
  2. ARPA Funding Consideration Assumption Community Child Care and to Create an Ordinance and/or Amend Ordinance Number O2023 CB 024
  3. EMA Update
    1. Director’s Report
  4. Residency Waiver
  5. Election Judge Pay
  6. State of Illinois Change in how Stipend Pay is received for Elected Officials
  7. County Board Rules
  8. Board Office Staff
  9. Highway Department Staff
  10. Non Bargaining Employee Performance Evaluations/Job Descriptions
  11. Executive/Personnel Special February Meeting
  12. Text Amendment Proposal(s)
  13. Referral(s) to ZBA
  14. Referrals from other committees
  15. Any other matters that are properly brought before this committee for future consideration.


Audit/Finance/Purchasing/Budget – 02/14/2024

  1. Approve claims as presented for February 2024
  2. State of Illinois Change in how Stipend Pay is received for Elected Officials
  3. Espy Services
  4. Referrals from other committees
  5. Any other matters that are properly brought before this committee for future consideration.


Secondary Committee Reports


  2. Cybersecurity Insurance
  3. Any other matters or updates that are properly brought before the Board for future consideration.
  4. Mileage and Per Diem Report
  5. Adjourn meeting until Wednesday, March 20, 2024

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